Hack4Earth: Hack for a Sustainable

(Emergent Technologies for Sustainable Development)

Organized in conjunction with the 21st IEEE International Conference on Computer
Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2024)

04-18 October, Tunisia Polytechnic School, Tunisia


About The Event

Hack4Earth is a dynamic hackathon dedicated to crafting innovative solutions for climate change and environmental sustainability. This event, held in conjunction with the 21st IEEE International Conference on AICCSA, brings together experts and enthusiasts to develop technologies and strategies aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Tunsia Polytechnic School, Marsa-Tunis


04-18 October 2024

Hack for a Sustainable Future

Hack4Earth is designed to harness cutting-edge technologies to create solutions aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This hackathon invites participants to collaborate, innovate, and develop transformative ideas for a more sustainable and equitable world. This event presents a unique opportunity for multidisciplinary teams of 3-5 members, including engineers and researchers from fields like:

  • - Data Science
  • - Computer Science
  • - Robotics
  • - Embedded Systems
  • - Agronomy

Participants will use open-source platforms and services to create tools that address sustainability issues. Whether it's optimizing agriculture, improving resource management, or enhancing environmental monitoring, Hack4Earth fosters innovations that contribute to a sustainable future.

Evaluation Criteria

50% Technical Implementation of at least 1 of the lined out Goals

  • Use of the latest tools and frameworks
  • GitHub Repository + Documentation
  • Clear Concept
  • Code Architecture and Scalability
  • GitHub Workflow

25% Idea and Business Viability (Innovative, Feasible, Viable)

25% Presentation

  • 7.5% 2-3 min Video of your Prototype
  • 17.5% Pitch

Important Dates

Brenden Legros

Open Registartion

Registartion for teams ( Note that teams should be 3-5 Members and multidisplinary)

Brenden Legros

Welcome Day (Onsite-EPT)

Team formation and project use case announcement

Hubert Hirthe

Mentorship Sessions (Online)

IA and GenIA & Blockchain & Pitching and Business Model & Geospatial and Big data

Cole Emmerich

Deliverable (Submit)

Teams should deliver Documented Github repo + pitch slides + demo video

Jack Christiansen

Pitch Day (Onsite-EPT)

All teams will pitch theirs ideas in 5 min (+3 min Q&A), Then 8 finalists will be selected to present their projects during IEEE AICCSA conference.

Alejandrin Littel

Finalist Pitch Day and Winners Selection (OnSite- SouSe (AICCSA conf))

The 8 finalists will pitch their projects, and 3 winners will be selected.

Hackathon tracks

Hack4Earth tracks include, but are not limited to:

UC1: Hack4 Sustainable Agritech

AI-driven crop monitoring and yield prediction platform

AI-Driven Solution for Animal Health Monitoring

Sustainable Water Management Solutions

AI-Powered Climate-Resilient Crop Selection Models

Food Security Assessment Platform

Sustainable Pesticide Application

Drone-Based Precision Pesticide Application

Satellite-Based Solution for Farm/Greenhouse CO2 Emission Monitoring

Satellite-Based Monitoring System of Soil Health and Fertility

Geospatial Analytics for Land Use Optimization

Food Waste Reduction Platform

Blockchain Application for Supply Chain Traceability

Blockchain-Based Application for Incentivizing Sustainable Practices

Blockchain-Based Platform for Sustainable Project Crowdfunding

LLM (Large Language Model) for Personalized Recommendations

Digital Twins for Greenhouse Management

Multimodal Algorithms for Precision Agriculture

Any Other Interesting Application or Model

UC2: Hack4 Sustainable Urban Development

AI Model for Drone Multi-Object Detection

Digital Twins for Smart Cities

Real-Time Industrial CO2 Emission Monitoring Systems

AI-Driven Traffic Flow Management Model

Construction Site Monitoring and Progress Tracking Model

Fire Detection and Action Management Platform

Blockchain for Transparent Land Registries Platform

Blockchain-Backed Digital Identity for Smart Cities

Blockchain-Based Incentive Systems for Sustainable Behavior

Multimodal Algorithms for Disaster Preparedness and Response

Blockchain Platform for Incentivizing Public Transportation Use

Digital Twins for Infrastructure Maintenance and Upgrades

Circular Economy Platforms for Urban Waste Reduction

Blockchain Platform for Tokenizing Recycled Materials

Any Other Interesting Application or Model

UC3:Hack for Sustainable Energy

AI-Powered Renewable Energy Forecasting

Blockchain for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading

AI based Power Market Optimization Model

Platform for Real World Asset (RWA) Tokenization for Renewable Energy

Smart Grid Optimization Model

Digital Twin for Energy Efficiency in Buildings

AI-Driven Energy Consumption Analytics

Renewable Energy Microgrids with Digital Twins

Blockchain for Renewable Energy Certification

IIoT-Based Smart Metering and Demand Response

AI for Predictive Maintenance in Energy Infrastructure

Geospatial Analysis for Optimal Solar and Wind Farm Locations

Remote Sensing for Identifying Optimal Locations for Geothermal Energy

Remote sensing for carbon emission monitoring

Any Other Interesting Application or Model

UC4:Hack for climate change

Remote Sensing for Deforestation and Land Use Change Detection

Real time fire detection and action management platform

AI-Driven Climate Change Prediction Models

Blockchain for Carbon Credit Verification and Trading

Geospatial Analysis for Climate Vulnerability Mapping

IoT Networks for Real-Time Climate Data Collection

AI-Enhanced Disaster Preparedness and Response

Drone-Based Environmental Monitoring

Digital Twins for Simulating Climate Mitigation Strategies

AI for Optimizing Water Resource Management in Climate-Affected Areas

Geospatial Tools for Coastal Erosion Monitoring

Blockchain-Enabled Global Collaboration on Climate Actions

Any Other Interesting Application or Model

UC5: Hack4 Sustainable Industry 5.0

AI-Driven Energy Optimization in Smart Factories

Carbon Footprint Monotring Tools for Industrial Processes

IoT-Based Monitoring for Reducing Industrial Emissions

Digital Twins for Sustainable Manufacturing Processes

Geospatial Analytics for Identifying Low-Impact Industrial Sites

AI driven Predictive Maintenance to Minimize Resource Waste

Blockchain-Based Systems for Tracking Industrial Sustainability Metrics

Remote Sensing for Monitoring Industrial Pollution

Multimodal AI for Climate-Resilient Industrial Operations

Circular Economy Platforms for Industrial Byproduct Reuse

AI for Sustainable Product Lifecycle Management

Digital Twins for Circular Manufacturing Processes

Big Data Analytics Platform for Real-Time Decision Making

LLM-Based Platforms for Sustainable Industrial Decision-Making

Any Other Interesting Application or Model


First Prize Image

1st Place

Second Prize Image

2nd Place

Third Prize Image

3rd Place

Judge Members

To be announced soon ...

Partners & Sponsors

Interested in Sponsoring the event?

Scientific Committee

Abderrazek Jmaii

Professor at EPT & INSAT

Embedeed Systems, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial IoT

Rabeh Attia

Professor at EPT & ENIT

Telecommunications, Signal Processing, Optics and Photonics, IA

Takoua Abdellatif

Associate Professor at ENSIo & EPT

IA, Big Data, IoT, Distributed Systems, Blockchain

Ines Bousnina

Assistant Professor at ENSI

Telecommunications, IoT, Signal Processing

Ahmed Ezzine

Expert in remote sensing

Remote Sensing, SIG, Sustainable Development

Mohamed Ali Mahjoub

Professor at ENISo

IA & ML, Image Processing, Computer Vision

organizing Team

Team Member 1


Professor & President SERCOM Lab

Team Member 2

Takoua Abdellatif

Associate Professor & Senior Researcher

Team Member 3

Maher Boughdiri

Blockchain Researcher & Phd Student

Team Member 3

Imen Boudali

Assistant Professor & Senior Researcher

Team Member 3

Ines Bousnina

Assistant Professor & Senior Researcher

Team Member 3

Olfa Bebes

Assistant Professor & Senior Researcher

Team Member 3

Mohamed Hkima

IT Engineer & Phd Student

Event Venue

Event venue location info and gallery


  • Hack4Hackathon is an innovative event where participants collaborate to develop solutions for specific challenges. It encourages creativity, collaboration, and the use of cutting-edge technology to solve real-world problems.

  • Hack4Hackathon is open to everyone, including students, professionals, and enthusiasts from all backgrounds. Whether you are a developer, designer, project manager, or simply passionate about innovation, you are welcome to participate.

  • No, you don't need to have a team before joining. You can join as an individual, and we will help you form a team during the event. However, if you already have a team, you're welcome to participate together.

  • Hack4Hackathon offers several tracks, including Industry 5.0, Sustainability, Circular Economy, and more. Each track focuses on creating solutions that can have a significant impact on the corresponding field.

  • To participate, you will need a computer, a stable internet connection, and any tools or software required for your project. We will provide the necessary resources and mentorship to help you succeed.

  • Yes, there are exciting prizes for the top teams in each track. Prizes include cash rewards, gadgets, and opportunities for mentorship and incubation. The specifics will be announced closer to the event date.

  • Projects will be evaluated based on technical implementation, innovation, feasibility, and business viability. The judging panel will include experts from various fields, and the evaluation criteria will be provided in advance.

  • To prepare for the hackathon, familiarize yourself with the tracks and challenges, gather any necessary tools or resources, and consider forming a team. Additionally, practice coding, problem-solving, and time management skills.

  • After the hackathon, winners will be awarded their prizes, and all participants will have the opportunity to showcase their projects. Some teams may receive opportunities for further development, incubation, or mentorship.


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École Polytechnique de Tunisie, V8HP+VXW, Rue El Khawarizmi, Carthage
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